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tv   Good Morning Washington at 500  ABC  April 23, 2010 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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>> moments a leg, a human tragedy turns into an environmental disaster. more on that explosion in the gulf. >> dramatic news about the mass shooting in southeast washington. we will have a live report. >> the washington redskins selected tre onta williams. >> no surprises on draft day. we will have highlights and reactions if coming up later. good morning washington begins right now. >> live and in hd, this is good morning washington, on your side. >> good morning on this friday. i am doug mcelway. >> i am pamela brown in for alison starling. good to have you with us. we begin with traffic and weather every 10 minutes. we will check with lisa baden in a moment. adam caskey, what is on tap?
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>> partly sunny. high-pressure. temperatures near 70 this afternoon. the storm system often are west will slowly move east. that will influence our weekend weather. its 47 in leesburg and stephen city. 49 in walkersville. partly sunny today with highs near 70. light rain showers off and on tomorrow. the same story on sunday. there will be unsettled weather pattern on the weekend until the first part of next week. >> i was a little nervous. there was a lot of construction overnight, particularly impacting the beltway at 66. i assure you all that has been removed from the roadway. all the exit ramps are open and we are moving nicely. let's jump to a couple of cameras.
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on 95 in virginia, headlights are northbound. that will take you across the american legion bridge. travel times in our favor. the the dulles greenway, the dulles toll road, 66, and 270 will give you the green light. >> we begin with the latest on the oil rig explosion in the gulf of mexico. authorities are looking to prevent a major environmental disaster. officials said the sinking could potentially send more than 300,000 gallons of oil a day into the water. it could be several days before any of it reaches the louisiana coast, if it does. if the coast guard expects to call off the search for 11 people missing on tuesday's explosion. >> our top story, new developments from the deadly mass shooting in southeast washington. prosecutors have dropped charges against the 14-year-old thought to be behind the wheel during the drive by. police have arrested two more
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people and the third is still on the run. kathy park is outside police headquarters. >> district officials took an extraordinary step yesterday identifying 14-vote malik carter. this had to be done in order to clear carter's name and for his safety. authorities say they had the wrong person locked up since the march 30 shooting and dropped all the charges against carter. >> there were facts and circumstances at the time to rest carter. as the investigation progressed, there was significant development among the witnesses in terms of interviews and what they were saying about what happens. >> if investigators believe he was guilty at first after police
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found a nearby a school just moments after suspects jumped out of a getaway van. after looking closely at fingerprint evidence on thursday, the attorney general publicly cleared carter's name. the announcement was also to protect the teenager from any retribution. family members of lost loved ones in the shooting spree and the investigation is ongoing. >> you had an eyewitness that identified them. >> officials say they arrested 22-road lamar williams and robert ---, facing multiple charges. a search warrant has been issued for third adult suspect. the name of that suspect has not been released for safety reasons. kathy park reporting. >> thank you. as william county police are investigating a violent all invasion and deduction. it happened last night on atwa
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street in district heights. one or more armed men entered the house and abducted a male resident. the victim is still missing. another person in the house sustained a head injury. a beloved d.c. middle school principal is laid to rest, investigators are uncovered new details about the murder. they're looking for a second vehicle seen around the time he was murdered. much more on those new developments in a few minutes. >> as the senate prepares to vote on a financial reform bill, president obama has a message for wall street. there will be no more bailouts from the federal government. >> a free market was never meant to be a free license to take whatever you can get, however you can get it. >> if president obama touted the bill as a way to protect taxpayers. republicans say it makes the government too intrusive in the private sector.
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there will be a test vote in the senate this coming monday. of reports as senior employees at the securities and exchange commission spent hours looking at pornography while they were supposed to be policing the financial system. there inspector general and covered 33 violations over the past five years. 31 of them took place since the financial crisis began more than two years ago. the agency has not commented on the report. >> president obama's health-care overhaul will increase the nation's health-care costs instead of bringing costs down, the finding of a new report by economic experts at the health and human services department. medicare cuts may be unrealistic and unsustainable. a new plan to tackle metro's massive budget shortfall may have passengers digging deeper into their pockets. yesterday the interim general manager richards also proposed raising the minimum fare from $1.65 up $1.90.
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another fare would go up to $1.50. weekend service would end at 2:00 a.m.. it's unclear when the board will make the final decision. >> still ahead, your chance to say goodbye to a civil rights icon. >> also, a traffic alert ahead of a busy week. what roads to avoid if you plan to drive through the district. we expect this to be a beautiful end to the workweek, but the weekend is not so bright. end to the workweek, but the weekend is not so bright.
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captioned by the national captioning institute >> not a bad start to the day. temperatures near 50 degrees. reagan national is checking in at 56 degrees. to dulles airport at 48. let's look at super doppler radar. a few lingering showers on the eastern shore. like sprinkles could move through parts of the metro area still this morning. still sprinkling near lesusby. near 70 degrees this afternoon. this weekend looking very
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unsettled with showers off and on. more details and a couple minutes. >> we are glad you are with us this morning. we have nothing unsettling as far as the traffic around a highway. make sure you stick around. north into baltimore and south into richmond, normal travel time spirit of the complicated near andrews air force base. a pretty good ride out of leesburg. looks good into reston. new the dulles toll road and the greenway,. beautiful on the george washington parkway. this is traffic north of an way towards memorial bridge. >> looks good. thank you. the world bank and imf will meat and there will be road closures 7:00 there denied until 5:00 tonight, 18th, 19th, and 20th streets closed sunday street through pennsylvania ave. d street and h streets will be
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closed and 18th street through 20th street and will be parking restrictions. >> 55 degrees. >> coming up, taking speed cameras to a new level. there is a new deal that's out of this world. >> first, we will tell you about of this world. >> first, we will tell you about tributes planned for the
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announcer: whether it's earning a promotion... they're the culmination of lots of hard work. the graduate school has more ways to get you the knowledge you need to reach your next goal, your next great moment, with continuing education programs to fit your schedule and lifestyle. learn more. visit...
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>> you are watching abc 7's good morning washington. with doug mcelway, alison starling, meteorologist brian van de graaff, and lisa baden with traffic. this is good morning washington, on your side. >> in our top story is, prosecutors have dropped all charges against a 14-year-old boy accused in taking part in last month's mass shooting in scientist d.c. -- in southeast
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d.c. after they received evidence that cleared the teenager. police have made two more arrests and are looking for another suspect. authorities say the chances that 11 missing workers survived tuesday's explosion and fire on an oil rig in the gulf of mexico are slim. it sank yesterday after burning more than 24 hours. officials are concerned about potential environmental damage. hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil could be released into the water. there are concerns about the health of two or three americans jailed in iraq nearly nine months. family members say they were told by swiss diplomats that they are in poor health. there were detained in july after straying into iraq and bi -- into iran while hiking in iraq. >> dorothy height's body will lie in repose.
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on thursday she will be buried. police have discovered new clues in the murder of brian betts. they have discovered there was another vehicle. now more. >> not just two vehicles but at least two suspects. that is what montgomery county police said was likely involved in the murder of brian betts. >> we believe he was alive at least up to 11:30 p.m. wednesday evening. if this vehicle was seen near his house 45 minutes after that time. >> that vehicle was seen in this alley that runs between the exxon station on georgia avenue and his home in silver spring. on friday his truck was found in southeast d.c., an apparent that police believe was related to
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the killing. >> i was shocked. i didn't think anyone could kill a gentleman like this man. >> family members and friends paid their respects to the beloved shaw middle school principal. police are asking for help in answering their questions. abc 7 news reporting. >> police are not describing that vehicle, but they say it was seen around 12:15 last thursday morning. it's friday morning. time for traffic and weather every 10 minutes. >> we are glad to see the fog has lifted. >> i like your necktie and pamela's outfits go together. >> totally accidental. i was going to say that she called me at 2:00 in the morning. >> we know the truth. >> not much happening on the highway. we are good as far as 66 and 95.
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just growing volume. getting to the beltway we are on dry pavement. >>you look handsome. >> thank you. very much like spring. there are few sprinkles east of the knights bridge. on the eastern shore we have a few lingering light sprinkles from overnight. there's cloud cover leftover as well. i want to show you a front stretching west to east across the midsection of the country. this will be our culprit for the weekend. this will be our weather maker, giving us unsettled weather starting tomorrow through the weekend and into the early part of next week. a low pressure system will slowly progressed to the east. it will not move out of our
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region until the middle of next week. let's get to it. it will be here several days. probably saturday through tuesday. if giving us off and on showers. there will be sunshine here and there, but it's not going to last long. 71 degrees today, partly sunny with a light north wind. light showers for tomorrow during the day. low 60's. we are behind the waterfront on sunday. mainly cloudy conditions. some sunshine possible with off and on showers and thunderstorms. clearing by next wednesday. >> that is a long time from now. thank you. speed cameras from outer space? and paying for internet television. jeremy hubbard has those stories and more. >> in today's "tech bytes" one of the top video sites on the web is ready to start charging. hulu will begin testing a
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subscription service next month. it would offer the five most recent episodes of a television show for free but anyone wanting to see additional if episodes would pay $10 a month. youtube is expanding its rental business. it features movies and television shows. 99 cents up to $3.99 for 48 hours. a study will provide answers on a long term impact of cell phone use on our health. 250,000 adults from five european countries are being recruited. researchers plan to follow them up to 30 years. research to date has shown no bad effects from sell phones, but those may have been short. a study finds computer brain games may not increase your brain power or iq. one analyst says they are
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enjoyable although they may not work. >> the exercises are fun and challenging. i suppose if getting you engaged is half the battle on at working. overall, i had a good time using them. we will have to see over time whether i am smarter and sharper. >> read that a full review on "usa bilal., the law may extend to bilal britain is testing a new type of speed camera that uses satellites to measure speed. it could be reduced to -- in addition to ticketing drivers, it could be used to predict bad weather. log on to the technology page of for more. i am jeremy hubbard. >> i wonder if maybe they could control the speed of your car remotely. >> 5:21 is the time on this friday morning, 55 degrees.
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>> coming up -- >> the washington redskins select trent williams. >> he is an animal. we mean that in the best way. everything you want to know about trent williams, just ahead. and today on "oprah," dakota fanning brings secrets from the movie set. that's at 4:00 on abc 7.
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>> no surprises in the first round of the nfl draft. the redskins took offensive tackle trent williams, the experts say was the best offensive linemen available to protect the donovan mcnabb. williams is 6-5, 315 pounds, brooke and texas, played in oklahoma. he is the first offensive linemen taken by the skins in more than a decade. the last time it was chris samuels. his job is to be the personal protector of donovan mcnabb. >> when the coach called me, he wanted to know if i was committed to being great. i assured him i was 100 percent. >> what do you think about protecting donovan mcnabb? >> it is an honor more than anything. he's a great player i've looked up to four long time. it's a dream come true. >> trent williams is your newest redskin. game 5 of the best of seven, don't forget.
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that's tonight at the phone booth. that's your debts sports. >> it's going to be a wild game. 5:26, 55 degrees. the news continues at 5:30. >> if in the next half-hour, 11 people still missing, authorities along the gulf coast bracing for a major environmental disaster. we will have a live report. >> new developments in the investigation to the southeast d.c. shooting. charges have been dropped for one person. at the park, i would explain straight ahead. >> adam caskey at the weather center. it looks like an unsettled weekend. i w
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>> live and in hd, this is good morning washington, on your side.
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>> i definitely don't want someone who was not actually involved to go down for it. >> treated, prosecutors back of one of the suspects in a deadly drive-by. police arrest two more. good morning, washington. if it's friday, april 23. i am pamela brown in for alison starling. >> i am doug mcelway. more on that story in a moment. first, check on the traffic and weather. it's a good day to get outside. cribbs very unsettled over the weekend. it's not going to rain all day every day, but it's not going to be sunny and crisp white weekends past. very slow-moving storm system that will affect our weekend whether if and into the early part of next week. we have a rainfall deficit, so we could use this long soaking. it's in the mid 40's or 50's right now. 52 degrees in ddamascus.
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light rain, mostly cloudy tomorrow. a few thunderstorms on the weekend. it will clear out by the middle part of next week from this system. >> they are feeding everything we have been planting. we are planting the seed that if things are good on the highway. that is what we have. on 270 south out of frederik into montgomery county, no problems. i have given you the yellow arrow because that of the direction of the travel usually this time of the morning where we have the heavy traffic. at the american legion bridge from end to end looks fine. >> we began this morning with the latest developments from the deadly mass shooting in southeast d.c. last month. prosecutors have dropped murder charges against a teenage suspect. city leaders say the bull was not involved in a drive-by, but one man is still on the run. kathy park is live outside police headquarters with the
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latest. >> authorities say they had the wrong person locked up ever since the march 30 shooting in southeast d.c.. they've dropped all 41 charges against 14-year-old malik carter. originally investigators believed the teenager was linked to the crime. the police found him in a nearby school moments after four suspects jumped out of the getaway van. after looking more closely at the imprint evidence, the attorney general cleared carter's name at a press conference, saying he was not involved in the drive by. peter nichols also said yesterday in the announcement that this was also in order to protect the teenager from any sort of retribution. yesterday we learned that two additional arrests were made. 22-year-old robert bost and 22- year-old lamar williams are facing multiple murder charges. a search warrant has been issued for a third adults suspect. in light of all this, many family members that we spoke
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with who lost loved ones in the shooting said they are confused and thrown off by this recent turn of events. kathy park reporting. >> investigators are looking for suspects in a violent home invasion and the dutch and in district heights that happened about 10:00 last night on atwood street. one or more armed men entered the apartment and a duck the man. they got away a black chrysler 300. that man is still missing. another person in the home sustained a head injury. >> we are tracking the latest developments from the gulf coast. eleven workers are still missing after that massive oil rig explosion. now there are new fears of a catastrophic environmental impact. the oil rig is completely submerged. hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil could be leaking into the water. mike has the story. >> good morning. ducouer members are still missing this morning.
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echostar officials are turning their focus from rescue efforts to controlling the oil spill, which could threaten the louisiana and mississippi coast. the family of one of the missing workers became the first to sue the owners, alleging negligence. >> the oil rig deepwater arise and burned more than 24 hours before sinking below the surface of the gulf of mexico. the families of the missing crew members hope their -- fuel their rescue is fading. >> they may not have been able to evacuate. >> the concern now is the oil, a sheen of oil surrounded the drilling rig even before it sank. 115 workers survived, jumping into lifeboats or into the gulf waters. as for the rescue mission, is running out. but hope is not. >> just come home. that's all we want.
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>> the incremental impact could be enormous. more than 300,000 gallons of crude oil each day might be coming from this site. it also carries 700 gallons of diesel fuel. it's 42 miles off the coast. it could take five days for any oil to reach the coast line. abc 7 news reporting. >> authorities are trying to figure out how a man's body in the up in manassas pond. the body was found last night in a pond at an apartment complex. a resident told police a friend who lived at the complex disappeared after a get together wednesday night. a friend of the man said there was alcohol. >> the senate will hold a test vote on financial reform early next week. harry reid has scheduled a vote for monday. he's not waiting for results of a bipartisan negotiation. president obama urged wall street to join the effort.
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the president says the new regulations will taxpayers in the financial -- and the financial sector. montgomery county executive ike leggett has new proposals to help close the county's newly discovered $168 million budget deficit. he wants to double energy taxes and raise cell phone taxes by more than 60%. he argued for the tax increases yesterday, two weeks before the county will submit a final budget for next year. >> new rules regarding how long you can be kept waiting on an airplane take effect next week. starting next thursday airlines will be banned from keeping passengers waiting on the tarmac longer than three hours. airlines could face fines of more than $28,000 per passenger per violation. five airlines requested exemptions but were turned down. >> still ahead, a story you will see only on channel 7. left alone on a school bus four hours, his mother wants answers.
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>> also, where to go for a taste of harlem in the nation's capital? >> and another check on the traffic and weather every 10 minutes. we will be right back.
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>> i met the reptile discover center at washinton zoo.
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we are hoping your day is moving at a faster pace than mine is. good morning, washington. >> this funnel cloud, one of several that touchdown in the texas panhandle last month sparked by a series of storms that moved through the area -- i should say, yesterday, not last month, no reports of injury. the however, that era is expected to see more severe weather this afternoon. time for our traffic and weather every 10 minutes. >> adam caskey is standing by outside. we'd better enjoy the nice weather what lasts. >> enjoy the sunshine today because our weekend will be unsettled. if that does not mean we will not have any sunshine. but that should be short-lived. overall, the unsettled weather pattern will take shape for the weekend and early part of next week. it's near 50 degrees. 55 in the district, woodbridge
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at 48, 51 in huntingtown, 48 in clear spring. partly sunny today. high temperatures near 70. comfortable this afternoon, close to average. near 60 degrees tomorrow with light rain showers off and on. may be thunderstorms on sunday. that chance of thunderstorms and showers will resent to monday and tuesday. >> we are moving nicely. 95 in and out of baltimore. baltimore national parkway, no complaints. between the beltway and the exit for thurgood marshall airport. looks nice across the bay bridge. a beautiful ride out of waldorf. 228 is quiet. 200 and looks good. nothing between dunkirk and the beltway. let's look at 95 traffic. the lights twinkling out of woodbridge through newington into the pentagon, moving at a good speed and a good pace. >> thank you so much.
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an exhibit celebrating harlem's apollo theater opens today at the smithsonian's american history museum. michael jackson's natt, ellicott gerrell's dress, louis armstrong's trumpet. the exhibit runs through august and many of the exhibits will be at the museum that will open on the national mall in 2015 for african-american culture. >> i loved hearing ella fitzgerald and michael jackson and louis armstrong. >> coming up, the ad that was too racy for dancing with the stars. and a former super model, naomi campbell, running after a news crew. >> he could have had an asthma attack. >> a mother amanda
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>> you are watching abc 7's good morning washington. with doug mcelway, alison starling, meteorologist brian van de graaff, and lisa baden with traffic. this is good morning washington, on your side. >> welcome back. our top story, prosecutors have dropped all charges against a 14-year-old boy accused of taking part in the mass shooting in southeast that left four dead, after authorities received new evidence that clear to the teenager. police have made two more arrests in the case. authorities are trying to prevent a major environmental disaster afterburning of rick's sank in the gulf of mexico. it could send thousands of gallons of all a day into the water. for the chance that 11 missing workers survived tuesday's explosion are slim. former illinois gov. bob
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blagojevich wants president obama to testify at his upcoming trial. his lawyer says the president has direct knowledge of the case. blagojevich has pleaded not guilty to try to sell mr. obama's former senate seat. >> an autistic boy was left alone on the charles county school bus more than two hours. the mistake has a mother outraged and two people out of their jobs. >> october smith tells of the basketball court is a place of joya for her son. thinking about what happens to him last friday makes her wonder if she could of laws tim. he cannot communicate well and was left on a school bus for i worse. a county school spokespersons as last friday a special needs students was trapped on a bus miles from his school two 0.5 hours. the driver and attendant
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violated policy by not sweeping the bus. >> he could have had an asthma attack and died or suffocated because it was very warm on friday. >> the child was supposed to be dropped off friday morning at the education center, but ended up in this parking lot run by a contractor, 18 miles away. the mother was told two other drivers let the boy out after seeing him stuck on the bus. >> bus drivers are supposed to check the bus after their runs so we can avoid it situations like this. >> abc 7 news reporting. >> a local attorney for parents of special needs children is facing numerous fraud charges. 53-road howard -- allegedly practice without a license from attach -- for much of the time he took the cases. the d.c. bar has filed 74 charges of misconduct against him in cases involving eight families. seniors at a high school in oxon
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hill have been suspended. they attend classes at another school in the afternoon. all your they have been allowed to leave class 10 minutes early to go to lunch. yesterday and an announcement was made that students have to stay in class. they say a substitute teacher let them go early routinely, so they left. because of that, they have been suspended. many parents believe the punishment was co too harsh. >> lawyers for university of maryland student beaten by prince george's county police what the feds to investigate the incident. maryland state police are looking into whether there was any attempt to cover up the beating of jack mckenna. his lawyers want federal authorities to get involved. the fbi has received a copy of the video. for now the bureau is referring to local authorities. it's friday morning. it's time for traffic and weather every 10 minutes. >> we have heard about the rain, but it's not steady at all
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times. >> not a total downpour the entire weekend. there will be a little sunshine here and there. it will be an unsettled weekend, not picture-perfect, but we could use the rain. we have had a few light sprinkles to pass through late last night and early this morning. around the eastern shore now. it's pushing to the east. partly sunny through the morning. a mixture all day. looking off to the west there is an area of low pressure on the left side of the screen in colorado. that will continue to drift east. right along the path of the warm front. that will affect us even as early as tomorrow and into sunday. this system is moving slowly. it will probably not clear out of here until next wednesday. saturday through tuesday of unsettled mainly grace guys, showers, and a few thunderstorms, temperatures going up and down a little because of the warm front.
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-- grace scalisey skies. 46 degrees in frederick right now. fairfax is 51 degrees. there is thie slow-moving low. off and on light rain showers tomorrow and a few thunderstorms possible sunday. partly sunny today, 71 with a light nor the event. if close to 60 degrees tomorrow. 70 degrees on sunday with a chance of showers. and thunderstorms. bad weather into tuesday. clearing out on wednesday. >> traffic is moving nicely. normal volume on 66, 95 in virginia, good in and out of baltimore. nothing on 270. growing volume out of frederik.
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the good on 228 and to attend. -- and 210. everything's good into southeast d.c. i'm going to look at 395 traffic. moving north bound near the beltway, still moving at speeds. a little traffic in the hov lane. clear at washington boulevard. the pentagon exit looks fine as well as across the 14th street bridge. >> a new lane bryant brassiere ad is at the center of a debate. . itstoo risque? it features a full figured brassiere models. the company said agencies refused to run the ad during dancing with the stars. lane bryant accused the network of a double standard. they say it's not any more
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risque than victoria's secrets adds. >> it looks benign as any brassiere ad i've ever seen on television. i don't get it. >> a full figured model is like any other person. >> many women can relate to that. >> it's probably just good publicity for lane bryant. >> that's true. >> moving on. naomi campbell was caught on tape again throwing another temper tantrum. the fashion model was interviewed by abc news regarding allegations that she was given a blood dimond by the deposed african despots. she told the photographer that she would not talk about it and walked out of the interview. a few seconds later she came back and punched the camera in the producers and. she has had a series of run-ins
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with the law in recent years after allegations of violence. she has a hair trigger temper. >> she always gives tmz something to talk about. >> for all these years, would and should know better. >> on the other hand, they are in your face, the paparazzi./ it has never happened to me. they are all over their cars and in their faces. >> this was a sit-down interview. >> don't talk about my ring. >> all right. let's get us out of this. >> those paparazzi. >>
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>> the navy is going green. >> in lexington park maryland yesterday officials showed off a new fighter jet that runs part of the hon. fuel. the million-dollar vehicle known as the green hornet. there's a mixture of 50% by of fuel made from a plant, a type of mustard seed. >> it is absolutely fabulous. you cannot tell there's different fuel. this is the future. this is the way we are going. >> if the secretary of the navy says this is the smart way to save the environment as well as
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money. he said the navy is committed to doing research on green technology and he hopes the more amazing things in the future. >> who would have thought you could make fuel from a mustard seed? >> looks like it's running just as it did before. there's more to come on good morning washington. >> coming up in the next hour, we will introduce you to the newest redskin. everything you need to know about trent williams. everybody's excited about him. >> district officials drop all charges against a teenager and make two northwest's fare in the deadly southeast
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>> still ahead, a human tragedy turns into a potential environmental disaster. the latest on the oil rig explosion in the gulf. >> two arrests in the mass shooting in southeast. charges dropped against another. we will have a live report. >> locks of victims and lots of blame to go round in the financial meltdown -- a lot of the victim. there's something new, a pornography scandal rocking the sec. good morning washington continues right now. >> live and in hd, this is good morning washington, on your side. >> good morning. 6:00


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